Ogg Meta-data
I have a list of RDF/Meta-data-in-Ogg related links, but it's a bit disorganised. It will go here once I can get a look at it.
- Ogg metadata at the Xiph wiki
- World Wide Web Consortium (a.k.a. W3C)
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative: basic metadata functionality.
- Annodex technology and Annodex Foundation
- Some discussions from Summer 2000 on the vorbis mailing list:
- Patches for vorbiscomment/vcedit from vorbis-tools to allow retagging of Vorbis in arbitrary Ogg streams. (2006-02-25)
Unrelated links
- Pictures from Norway skiing trip, and some Positron Emission Tomography related stuff at the parent site
Places to learn html/css
- Whatever "view source" feature your browser provides is invaluable.
- The HTML and CSS standards: WWW Consortium. Once you know how to put things together, this is the only reference you need. They have some very basic tutorials too.
- A whole lot of adverts, but some useful examples at W3 Schools.
- There used to be others, but they now teach stuff like PHP, while you can still do fantastic thing with pure (X)HTML and CSS—see the Garden
Content copyright Ian Malone 2005, except for the logos on the front page and where otherwise noted. Stylesheets and code cribbed from various sources on the web, see links section for a few.